Computer Based Training
E-Learning, B-Learning, E-Assesment, E-Documents, E-Coaching

Besides providing technical assistance and professional training DRILNET develops, in partnership with LEARNABOUT, the Learning Management System (LMS) – a software used for delivering, monitoring and managing training. We have elaborated this solution with the aim of providing our clients with a fast and efficient option for the professional training. The e-Learning is highly appreciated for its several advantages over the traditional training. It avoids travel and accommodation costs, optimizes investment and enhances training demand. It permits to benefit from the universal availability of the learning tool and to train simultaneously a large number of people. If you wish to train your employees in the most optimal way we would gladly help you by offering the newest web-based training technologies and providing a wide range of services covering:
We invite you to discover our various e-learning solutions through a specially dedicated e-Learning Demonstration Area. Take a look around our Learning Management System to see examples of what we can do and how we work and then discuss your individual requirements. In addition to the services mentioned above, we also propose the BLENDED LEARNING, as an intermediate and very flexible solution, with the use of LMS or PLANET PETROLEUM Serious Game.