International Expansion Support
DRILNET proposes legal and business development services to support your international expansion
General Presentation
Thirty years of experience in the petroleum industry allowed us to develop a solid network of contacts and exchanges. On this basis and constantly attentive to the clients’ requirements, DRILNET proposes quality solutions.
We can notice the difficulties encountered by the companies when developing their business abroad and help them to overcome these problems. Faithful to our philosophy we provide our clients with appropriate support and follow-up service.

DRILNET offers two types of services:
- Legal assistance
- Business development assistance
- Recruitment and HR management
- Technical assistance
- Project management
- Research & development
- Logistics
- Import/Export
- Communication
- Training
Thanks to our worldwide experience and achievements, we offer you assistance and advice to develop your activity in several countries.
For Whom
These assistance services are intended for all petroleum industry related companies wishing to expand their activity abroad:
- The companies that don’t have enough information necessary to carry out the project or those that have only partial information.
- The companies that do not wish to manage their obligations, or a part of them, required for the project realization.
- The companies facing particular problems when pursuing their activities.
DRILNET offers to each client:
- A consulting service by communicating their knowledge and know-how,
- An assistance service bytaking charge of the project implementation.
DRILNET has established partnership agreements aiming:
- To elaborate a complete service customized to the clients’ needs,
- To expand geographically its field of action.
The offer is presented:
- As a package of several predefined services,
- As apersonalized offer adjusted to the client’s convenience.
DRILNET can help you to develop your activities in the following countries:
Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, France, Italy, Spain, Romania, Portugal, Cameroon, Nigeria, Congo, Gabon, Senegal, Angola, Togo, Benin, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Serbia, Singapore, Russia.
Main Services
Legal assistance: solid advice in fiscal, commercial, social, business, industrial, environment, HSE legislation, and particularly, through our Italian partner, the law firm STUDIO LEGALE DI TONNO, in the matter of:
- Mainland/offshore mining research and cultivation of fields.
- Farm out agreements.
- Environmental impact assessment.
- Legal proceedings related to environmental impact in mining activities,
- Safety in mining.
Business development support: feasibility studies, concession applications, exclusive research and exploitation clearances.
Complementary Services
- Recruitment and HR Management: search and recruitment of qualified personnel.
- Technical Assistance: provision of personnel.
- Project Management: training center creation and IWCF, STCW95 accreditation.
- Research and Development: computer assisted training.
- Logistics: obtaining of visas, travel organization, crisis management.
- Import/Export: equipments, chemicals, etc.
- Communication: creation and animation of portals and web sites, CD-Roms realization.
- Training: Oil & Gas, Safety, Geosciences, Leadership & Management.
On the basis of:
- 30 years of experience in the field.
- Multiple competences in various countries.
- Network of highly qualified professionals and business partners.
DRILNET proposes:
- Unique and innovative services on the market, which represent a wide choice of options with the possibility to create a service fully customized to your actual requirements.
- A standard solution combining comfort and safety allowing you to control and to minimize your costs, and to optimize your time for the project realization by providing you with a unique interlocutor.